Schools, hospitals, commercial and residential buildings and more can now take advantage of their very own on-site renewable water source.
Requiring no infrastructure other than an electricity supply, the GEN-M is a medium-scale mobile water generator, with a daily capacity of 211 gallons / 800 liters.
The GEN-M is the world’s most energy-efficient Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) module of its kind, thanks to Watergen’s patented GENius, which enables it to generate more water while minimizing electricity consumption. Unlike other AWG solutions that are based on an old, inefficient air conditioning technology, GENius includes a one-of-a-kind unique heat exchanger, making it cheaper and more efficient to run.
An integrated energy optimization module of the GEN-M continuously optimizes water production in accordance with external atmospheric conditions (day/night, season, geographic location, altitude etc.). A multi-barrier air filtration cascade ensures that the water generated is of high quality, regardless of air quality, and a built-in reservoir and treatment facility continuously circulates the water, keeping it fresh over time.
Medium-Scale Atmospheric Water Generator, generates up to
211 gallons / 800 liters of clean water every day.